I come from fundamental and applied sciences, and have started working in lab Research & plant Development, in various capacities, from individual contributor and expert to International management. I then evolved through business development and operational management in B2B service companies that have sparkled my love for those complex and changing environments, where interactions between people are as important as technical or organizational skills.
Curiosity. A mission to Mars, a powerful motivation for me, on par only with the everlasting hope that my work, my team’s work, will be used by others to reach their own objectives.
I love and thrive within the world of scientific Research and Development, be that in an academic or industrial setting. The infinite, blue ocean wealth of theoretical and applied topics appeal to me, as does the surprising mix of rigor and creativity that absolutely has to be mastered by and distilled within scientists for them to achieve the real breakthroughs.
I’m also at ease in Operations, where clear-cut organizations and pragmatic flexibility live side by side, where each day heralds a new challenge, where years pass by in a blur.
In order for l’Atelier to deliver according to its values, I made the choice of using a compact and completely free software platform, then to return to school to strengthen my technical skills. It was for me the only way to guarantee speed and depth at the same time.
Pour traiter les projets que nous prenons en charge, nous visons à répondre au coeur de la question qui nous est posée.
Notre façon de travailler est basée sur les délais : nous en conviendrons avec vous et nous décarcasserons pour les respecter.
Haute compétence
Tout ce que nous ferons pour vous sera assis sur des compétences de haut niveau, que cela soit évident dans le résultat… ou pas.